Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Final Images

These are the images I have chosen for my final, I like them because they show 4 different types of bins and the fact that I have given them character and created a sort of humourous series, "A Couple of Rubbish Photos"

Second Shoot

For my second shoot I did much of the same, drawing faces on rubbish bins. This time I tried to get a variety of faces which worked well but still took a couple of goes to get them right.

Some Photos I liked

These are two of the images I'm contemplating on using for my final as they are pretty well done and the faces on the bins look cool. I just have to decide what one I want ...

First Shoot

So for my First shoot I focused mainly on one spot which had a range of rubbish bins. It took me a couple of shots to get a perfect face and it was pretty hard to do, plus my LEDs kept on dying. I am trying to decide between the sad rubbish bin and the angry rubbish bin because they both turned out pretty good but they are on the same bin so i won't be able to use both of them.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


What I find awesome about these pictures is that the people making these photos are turning everyday inanimate objects into lifelike creatures or robot like things by giving them arms and eyes etc. My favourite one is the photo with the two rubbish bins because it is simple but well done and gives a great effect. The photo of the phone box thing on the telephone pole I thought was quite clever because of the way they gave it legs and arms which made it look as if it was standing and almost leaning in the telephone pole.


For Project 3 I was thinking about using light graffiti to alter or change an object to make it almost come alive, for example giving arms to a rubbish bin or eyes to a bench. I will use long exposures and LEDs to achieve this. I think this will be a lot of fun to do.